Tuesday, June 24, 2008

fivethirtyeight.com... Some political projections you may find useful.


I paired this post with the Don Imus post, but I think people need to check out this site. It’s amazing. It has stats and polls and good information on everything that is the 2008 Presidential election. Straight dope. The funniest thing about it is I found it on one of the top 5 best overall blogs in the world http://ussmariner.com/. Interesting what baseball can lead you to. And on that note the Mariners look like they are playing major league baseball again. Quite nice.

So this 538 really is great. I have no idea what it stands for. All that I know is one day i was reading something about Pitch FX or fangraphs or something about baseball and the good folks at USSMariner, Dave and Derek, referred the site visitors to its projections. Their pitch was that it was something like baseball analysis with politics. So I checked it out. And its been a good thing.

I have seen the shift of polls near and far for about 2 months now and I must say I like what I am seeing. Not because it is for my boy Barack Hussein, but because from what I have gathered in news watching, reading and sniping....this s#!+ is correct!. So blessings to ya.


So here you go:

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